Building the Foundation Campaign
How can you help?
Restoration Ranch Texas™ is moving forward with the 2021-2022 building campaign for much-needed improvements that will allow for safety, stability, and secure ranch setting for women in crisis.
Two Ways to Donate
A personal message from Founder and Executive Director Jenifer Wakefield:
Restoration Ranch Texas™ is launching our “Building the Foundation” campaign to raise funds for the purchase of land, and necessary improvements to adequately house up to 10 women and staff initially.
As we progress in the campaign-specific acreage is desired in the Central Texas area, and will be developed as needed.
Restoration Ranch Texas™ is wanting to develop an acreage site for a long-term, residential, work-study community for women ages 18-65 years old, who are experiencing personal crisis and transition. Our Build The Foundation campaign will help provide the initial funds, housing and household furnishings for a beautiful and restorative setting for female students.
What’s next for Restoration Ranch Texas™:
We believe that there is no rescue without restoration. Will you help us?
Your help is vital to help women in crisis receive the long-term care necessary to rebuild life skills, confidence, and responsible behavior.
Restoration Ranch Texas™ will strive to provide both practical and holistic care for students.
Private long-term residential care is out of reach for many people who need it.
The goal at Restoration Ranch Texas™ is to help relieve the additional pressure of costs to a minimum, so women of every journey can benefit from quality care.
What we need most (here’s where you come in):
We have said from the beginning: If everyone invested in just one thing, the cumulative effect would be powerful.
The Central Texas community needs our help with those who are hurting and struggling. Join us as we give back to “the one” in our community. Together we can help restore women to health and stability through Restoration Ranch, Texas™.
Restoration Ranch Texas™ has potential to be a one-of-a-kind resource by offering tangible support from the best community in Texas. Our efforts can provide overall life-changing moments for women in crisis. Building those moments one by one makes a difference!
Will you join us to help our students get back on the road to hope and healing?
Consider giving to Restoration Ranch, Texas™. Reach out today and invest with us “for the one” to help rebuild families, homes and communities.
Restoration Ranch Texas™ a registered tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
With faith and hope,