
What does the Restoration Ranch, Texas™ Program offer Women in Crisis?

Holistic care guided by Christian principles…

Restoration Ranch Texas™ seeks to help women ages 18-65, impacted by crisis and addiction through a Christ-centered program.

 Restoration Ranch Texas™ will be a long-term residential program consisting of three-stages for its female students situated in a peaceful ranch setting in the greater Austin, Texas area.  Each recipient of care will be assessed individually.   All data and assessments will translate to a customized plan of care monitored and guided by trained professionals.

Restoration Ranch Texas™ will strive to offer students a continuous three-stage curriculum centered upon Biblical principles.  Key areas of focus during the program will address building trust, improving relationships, and personal responsibility. Students are led through a meaningful and consistent daily routine.   Attention is given to the value of physical health, food preparation and nutrition, study habits, spiritual instruction, recreation, and individual organization within the living quarters.

Restoration Ranch Texas™ will offer areas of involvement around the ranch when available through farm animal care, arts, crafts, and approved creative expression.  Other outlets for growth could include outside education and approved secondary and post-secondary organizations.

Restoration Ranch Texas™ offers individual and group mentoring for approved volunteers and mission-minded leaders to contribute their time and talents to the ministry.   Graduates of the Restoration Ranch Texas™ program may be considered for internships as available and may continue to reside on campus.

Restoration Ranch Texas™ offers a customized three-stage core curriculum:

Stage I.  Foundations:

Upon acceptance to Restoration Ranch, Texas™, the customized evaluation process is completed and students are welcomed into Stage I of the program. Immediate emphasis is placed upon the foundations of healing, healthy communication, and growing physically, mentally, and spiritually. Customized plans for each student will be formulated during this time, while the foundations of a trust-based environment will help establish a rhythm acceptance and predictability.


Stage 2. Elevation:

Stage 2 puts emphasis on teaching, applying, and elevating the use of “Life Skills.”  Life Skills are introduced and implemented with consistency for each student based on customized plans.  Students will strive to accomplish specific goals to build continuing responsibility, life-skills, and positive change.  Focus is given towards Christ-centered principles that impact thinking, habits, and genuine transformation.  Accountability and leadership are introduced.  Educational interests are identified and focus is given towards building healthy relationships.



Stage 3. Destination:


Stage 3 continues to build on the previous two stages. This part of the programming takes place in residence at Restoration Ranch, Texas™.

Mentoring is given regularly to students to help build upon the successful accomplishment of short and long-term goals that focus on life skills, education and training, personal responsibility, and employment.
Restoration Ranch, Texas™ commits to helping students grow in their understanding of seeking employment, personal presentation, and public speaking with possible community involvement. Serious attention is given towards rebuilding the family along with parenting/relationship skills and practices towards living as a productive citizen.


Help and Hope have an address at Restoration Ranch, Texas™.

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